Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Index to All Posts

This page is created to serve as an index to all the blog posts. Please let us know if any of the entries does not quite fit in the category.  Most, if not all, the recipes are also posted on https://www.facebook.com/yumyumpapa2 with a bit more context and history for each dish.  An asterisk at the end of an entry indicates the possibility of a one-pot meal.

#Non-Chinese&Non-Regional-Chinese_Dishes (非中式主菜 和不屬於仼一菜系的中餐)
  1. Beer Braised Duck (啤酒鴨)
  2. Fried Crispy Duck (香酥鸭)
  3. Some Eggplant Dishes (I 九層塔茄子)
  4. Smoked Chicken and Smoked Pork Ribs (燻雞、燻小排)
  5. Holiday Main Dishes- Kalua Pork and Stuffed Pork Loin Roll (夏威夷烤豬肉, 厘肌肉卷)
  6. Cioppino- San Francisco-Style Seafood Stew (義式燉海鮮)
  7. Jambalaya and Shrimp Gumbo (美國南方 蝦仁燴飯, 蝦仁濃湯)*
  8. Galbi Jjim, Korean-style Braised Beef Short Ribs (韓式牛小排)
  9. Spanish Rice, Arroz con Pol(lo (Rice and Chicken), and Rice Pilaf*
  10. Skillet Chicken Pot Pie*
  11. Some Air Fryer Recipes (Pita Chips, Potato Wedges, Crispy Chicken, Crispy Duck)
#Soup_Casserole (湯湯水水)
  1. Pumpkin Soup (南瓜濃湯)
  2. Chinese Style Russian Soup (羅宋湯)
  3. Cabbage Soup (aka Vegetarian Russian Soup, 素羅宋湯)
  4. Napa Cabbage Gratin (烤白菜)
  5. Two Taiwanese-style Thickened Soups (西魯肉, 赤肉羹)
  6. Tomato and Eggs Soup (番茄蛋花湯)
  7. Winter Melon Soup (火腿冬瓜湯)
  8. Daikon and Pork Rib Soup (白蘿蔔排骨汤)
  9. Hot and Sour Soup (酸辣湯) 
  10. Traditional Shanghai Soup with Fresh and Salted Pork (醃篤鮮)
  11. Soup with Ham and Bean Curd Strips (火腿乾絲湯) 
  12. Bean Vermicelli Soup with Fried Bean Curd Puff (油豆腐細粉)
  13. Shanghai-style Thick Soup with Minced Fish Filet (III.薺菜魚羹)
  14. Cantonese-style Congee (廣東粥- 皮蛋瘦肉粥、生滾魚片粥)*
  15. Taiwan-style Tempura Soup (I.台式關東煮)
  16. Mushroom Chicken Soup (II.香菇雞湯)
  17. Shrimp Gumbo (美國南方 蝦仁濃湯)*
  18. Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana, a creamy Tuscan Soup (義大利濃湯)
  19. Galbi Jjim, Korean-style Braised Beef Short Ribs (韓式牛小排)
#Snacks_Appetizers_Salad (零食, 小吃, 開胃菜, 沙拉)
  1. Big Chicken Cutlet (大雞排) 
  2. Turtle-shaped Red Rice Cake (紅龜粿)
  3. Mugwort Rice Cake (艾草粿)
  4. Cantonese Steamed Sponge Cake (馬拉糕)
  5. Celery and Jelly Fish (西芹海蜇)
  6. Mung Bean Jelly (綠豆涼粉)
  7. Puff Pastry Magic- Palmier, Chinese Shao Bing, and Portuguese Egg Tarts (起酥皮做的 蝴蝶酥, 甜燒餅, 葡式蛋塔)
  8. Seaweed Almond Crisps (海苔杏仁酥/海苔薄燒)
  9. Sweet Almond Cream  (杏仁露)
  10. Lamplight Beef (燈影牛肉)
  11. Sweet-and-sour Shredded Daikon (糖醋蘿蔔絲)
  12. Stewed Bean Curd Chunks (王媽媽滷豆乾)
  13. Japchae -- Korean Sweet Potato Noodle Dish (韓國粉絲)
  14. Chinese-style Pork Jerky and Beef Jerky (豬肉乾, 牛肉乾)
  15. Sesame Seeds Candy and Chinese Nougat (芝蔴糖, 牛軋糖)
  16. Date Paste and Walnut Candy (棗泥核桃糕, aka 南棗核桃糕)
  17. Roasted Soybeans (筍豆)
  18. Mung Bean Cake (綠豆糕)  
  19. Taiwan-style Chicken Wrap (台式雞卷) 
  20. Two More Taiwan-Style Snacks (台灣小吃 龍鳳腿, 台南蝦卷) 
  21. Taiwan-style Bowl Rice Cake ( 台灣小吃 碗粿) 
  22. Steamed Rising Cake (Fa-Gao, 發糕)
  23. Hong-Kong-style Turnip Cake (港式蘿蔔糕)
  24. Cantonese White Sugar Cake (白糖糕)
  25. Taiwan-style Popcorn Chicken (台灣小吃 鹽酥雞)
  26. Salt-and-Pepper Chicken Wings (廣式 椒鹽雞翼) 
  27. Shanghai-style Smoked Fish (燻魚)
  28. Ma-Lan Veggie with Minced Bean Curds  (香乾馬蘭頭) 
  29. Bean Sprouts with Three Shreds (銀芽三絲)
  30. Wheat Gluten with Four Ingredients (四喜烤麩)
  31. Pan-fried or Roasted Peanuts  (油炸花生, 烤花生)
  32. Peanuts with Dried Anchovy and Indonesian-style Peanuts with Silver Fish (花生小魚乾)
  33. Smashed Cucumber Salad (涼拌黃瓜)
  34. Cabbage Salad & Lotus Roots Salad (涼拌包心菜, 涼拌蓮藕) 
  35. Kale Salad (羽衣甘藍沙拉)
  36. Tabbouleh, Baba Ganoush, and Hummus (三樣地中海開胃菜)
  37. Moussaka from Lebanon (地中海茄子)
  38. Taiwanese-style Sweet-and-Sour Cabbage & Korean-style Chive Salad (台式泡菜, 韓式涼拌韭菜)
  39. Guacamole and Quesadilla 
#SeaFood (魚蝦海鮮)
  1. Shanghai Sauteed Shrimp (上海油爆蝦)
  2. Fish Gluten (魚麵筋)
  3. Microwave Steam Fish (簡速清蒸活魚)
  4. Spicy fish fillet and tofu (豆瓣魚片)
  5. Shanghai-style Smoked Fish (燻魚)
  6. Sautéd Crystal Shrimp (水晶蝦仁)
  7. Fried Eggplant Stuffed with Shrimp (II.酥炸茄盒) 
  8. Taiwan-Style Shrimp Roll (台南蝦卷) 
  9. Clams with Basil (九層塔炒蜆)
  10. A Dish or Two with Fish Steak (清蒸鱈魚 or 豆酥鱈魚)
  11. Dishes with Fish Filet (糟溜魚片, 糖醋魚片, 薺菜魚羹)
  12. Szechwan Boiled Fillet of Fish (四川水煮魚)
  13. Noodle with Fish Filet and Pickled Mustard Greens (I.雪菜魚煨麵)*
  14. Taiwan-style Tempura Soup (I.台式關東煮)
  15. Cioppino- San Francisco-Style Seafood Stew (義式燉海鮮)*
  16. Jambalaya and Shrimp Gumbo (美國南方 蝦仁燴飯, 蝦仁濃湯)*
  17. Shrimp Fried Rice (蝦仁蛋炒飯)
#ShanghaiDish (上海菜, 含江浙菜、淮揚菜)
  1. Spring Rolls (春卷)
  2. The Perfect Ten Vegetables (十全十美 素十錦)
  3. Sticky Rice Cake with Mustard Greens (雪菜炒年糕, 薺菜炒年糕)*
  4. Two Veggie Dishes with Pickled Mustard Greens (雪菜百葉毛豆,雪菜蠶豆酥)
  5. Shanghai Sauteed Shrimp (上海油爆蝦)
  6. Wine-Soaked Chicken (醉雞)
  7. Air-Dried Chicken (風雞)
  8. Sautéd Crystal Shrimp (水晶蝦仁)
  9. Fish Gluten (魚麵筋)
  10. Shanghai-style Smoked Fish (燻魚)
  11. Shanghai-style Rolls wrapped in Soy Sheet (薺菜百頁包)  
  12. Traditional Shanghai Soup with Fresh and Salted Pork (醃篤鮮)
  13. Bean Vermicelli Soup with Fried Bean Curd Puff (油豆腐細粉)
  14. Soup with Ham and Bean Curd Strips (揚州煮乾絲 or 火腿乾絲湯) 
  15. Wheat Gluten with Four Ingredients (四喜烤麩)  
  16. Ma-Lan Veggie with Minced Bean Curds  (香乾馬蘭頭)  
  17. Wu-Xi Style Pork Loin Back Rib (無錫排骨)
  18. Shanghai-style Pork Hock (冰糖元蹄 or 走油蹄膀)
  19. Dong-Po Pork (東坡肉)
  20. Pearl Balls & Braised Lion Head (珍珠丸子, 紅燒獅子頭)
  21. Spicy Pickled Long Beans (辣炒酸豇豆)
  22. A Dish or Two with Fish Steak (II.豆酥鱈魚)
  23. Shanghai-style Fish Filet (II.糖醋魚片)
  24. Shanghai-style Thick Soup with Minced Fish Filet (III.薺菜魚羹)
  25. Noodle with Fish Filet and Pickled Mustard Greens (I.雪菜魚煨麵)*
  26. Shanghai-style Vegetable Rice (上海菜飯)*
  27. Granny's Cured Pork (婆婆從前這樣做臘肉, in Chinese)
  28. Roasted Soy Beans (筍豆)
  29. Traditional Sweet and Sour Sauce (甜酸醬 or 糖醋調味料)
  30. Homemade Tahini and Chinese-style Sesame Paste (V. 芝蔴醬)
#TaiwanDish (台菜, 含客家菜)
  1. Turtle-shaped Red Rice Cake (紅龜粿)
  2. Mugwort Rice Cake (艾草粿)
  3. Stir Fry Rice Noodle (肉絲炒米粉)*
  4. A Very Special Taiwan-style Stir-Fried Rice (台灣油飯)*
  5. Taiwan-style Minced Pork Sauce and Rice Pasta (台式香菇肉燥, 肉燥米台目)*
  6. Two Taiwanese-style Thickened Soups (西魯肉, 赤肉羹)*
  7. Taiwan-style Chicken Wrap (台式雞卷) 
  8. Two More Taiwan-Style Snacks (台灣小吃 龍鳳腿, 台南蝦卷) 
  9. Taiwan-style Bowl Rice Cake ( 台灣小吃 碗粿) 
  10. Taiwan-style Popcorn Chicken (台灣小吃 鹽酥雞)
  11. Taiwan-style Pig Feet (台式滷豬腳, 豬腳麵線)*
  12. Taiwan-style Pork-Stew with Rice (台式滷肉飯)*
  13. Taiwanese-style Three-Cup Chicken (台式三杯雞)
  14. Taiwan-style Braised Chicken, aka Teriyaki Chicken (I.台式照燒雞)
  15. Taiwan-style Tempura Dishes (台式關東煮, 韭菜花炒甜不辣) 
  16. Pan-fried Rice wrapped in Egg Crepe (蛋包飯)*
  17. Bitter Melon With Eggs (II.苦瓜炒蛋)
  18. An apprentice's Basic Canape'(s)  (油炸花生,炒酸菜) 
  19. Taiwanese-style Sweet-and-Sour Cabbage (台式泡菜)
  20. Hakka Stir-Fry (客家小炒)
  21. Hakka Steam Pot (客家三封)*
  22. Sweet and Spicy Sauce (甜辣醬) 
#CantoneseDish (粵菜)
  1. Microwave Steam Fish (簡速清蒸活魚)
  2. BBQ Baby Back Rib (叉燒醬烤排骨)
  3. Cantonese-style Steamed Pork Short Ribs (豉汁蒸排骨)
  4. Cantonese-style BBQ Pork (廣式叉燒)  
  5. Cantonese-style pan-fried noodle (叉燒兩面黃)*
  6. Braised Longevity Noodle (干燒伊麵)*
  7. Cantonese Yang Zhou Fried Rice (揚州炒飯)*
  8. Singapore-style Rice Noodle (星州炒米粉)*
  9. Clay-pot baked rice with Chinese sausages and ham (臘味堡仔飯)*
  10. Cantonese-style Congee (廣東粥- 皮蛋瘦肉粥、生滾魚片粥)*
  11. Hong-Kong-style Turnip Cake (港式蘿蔔糕)
  12. Two Popular Snacks (廣式 椒鹽雞翼) 
  13. Cantonese-style Chicken in Seafood Soy Sauce (II.廣式鼓油雞)
  14. Hainanese Chicken Rice (海南雞飯)
  15. Diced Chicken Wrapped in Lotus Leaf (荷葉糯米雞)
  16. Clams with Basil (九層塔炒蜆)
  17. Cantonese-style Fish Filet (I.糟溜魚片)
  18. Beef Tendon and Drop Flank Stew (牛腩牛筋煲)*
  19. Sacha Beef (沙茶牛肉)
#SzechuanDish (川菜)
  1. Spicy fish fillet and tofu (豆瓣魚片)
  2. Ma-Po Tofu (麻婆豆腐)  
  3. A Famous Szechuan Dish (螞蟻上樹, Ground Pork and Bean Vermicelli) 
  4. Snowflake Chicken (雪花雞)
  5. Lamplight Beef (燈影牛肉)
  6. Spicy & Sour Cold Noodle (I.酸辣涼粉) 
  7. Some Eggplant Dishes (I.鱼香茄子) 
  8. Szechwan Diced Chicken (四川辣子雞)
  9. Szechwan Boiled Fillet of Fish (四川水煮魚, 水煮肉片, 水煮牛)
  10. Stir-fried Chinese Ham with Leeks (蒜苗臘肉)
  11. Hot Chili Pepper Oil (麻辣紅油)
#VegetarianDish (素菜)
  1. weet-and-sour Shredded Daikon (糖醋蘿蔔絲)
  2. Japchae -- Korean Sweet Potato Noodle Dish (韓國粉絲)
  3. The Perfect Ten Vegetables (十全十美 素十錦)
  4. Wheat Gluten with Four Ingredients (四喜烤麩)  
  5. Bean Sprouts with Three Shreds (銀芽三絲)
  6. Been Sprouts and Chive Stir-Fried with Bean Curd (綠豆芽炒豆腐乾)
  7. Thee More Bean Curd Dishes (韭黃香乾, 黃豆芽香乾, 辣炒香乾)
  8. Two Veggie Dishes with Pickled Mustard Greens (雪菜百葉毛豆,雪菜蠶豆酥)
  9. Some Simple Veggie Dishes (炒青菜, 炒三絲, 糖醋蓮花白) 
  10. Tomato and Eggs Stir-Fried (番茄炒蛋)
  11. Stewed Tofu with Tomatoes (蕃茄豆腐)
  12. Napa Cabbage with Bean Vermicelli (大白菜粉絲) 
  13. Spicy & Sour Cold Noodle (I.酸辣涼粉) 
  14. Cold Noodle in Sesame Paste (II.麻醬涼麵)*
  15. A Pumpkin Dish (燒南瓜) 
  16. Two Bitter Melon Dishes (苦瓜兩吃) 
  17. Some Eggplant Dishes (III.鍋塌茄子)
  18. A Treasure Trove of Vegetable Chunks (四寶粒)
  19. Cabbage Soup (aka Vegetarian Russian Soup, 素羅宋湯)
  20. Shanghai-style Vegetable Rice (上海菜飯)*
  21. Braised Longevity Noodle (干燒伊麵)*
  22. Smashed Cucumber Salad (涼拌黃瓜)
  23. Cabbage Salad & Lotus Roots Salad (涼拌包心菜, 涼拌蓮藕) 
  24. Kale Salad (羽衣甘藍沙拉)
  25. Tabbouleh, Baba Ganoush, and Hummus (三樣地中海開胃菜)
  26. Moussaka from Lebanon (地中海茄子)
#NorthernChinaDish (北方菜, 麵點)
  1. Beef Xian Bing (牛肉餡餅)*
  2. Chive Pocket (韮菜盒子) 
  3. Sesame Pancake (芝麻大餅)
  4. Sesame-Paste Biscuit (芝麻醬燒餅) 
  5. Scallion Pancake (蔥油餅)
  6. Water Dumplings with ground pork and Napa cabbage (白菜豬肉水餃)*
  7. Beef Noodle, Stewed Beef, and more (牛肉麵;  滷牛肉, 滷蛋;  滷菜)*
  8. Noodle in Ground-pork Bean Sauce (炸醬麵)*
  9. Cold Noodle in Sesame Paste (II.麻醬涼麵)*
  10. Noodle with Sliced Pork and Pickled Mustard Greens (II.雪菜肉絲麵)*
  11. Tien-Jin Moo-Shu Pork (天津木須肉)
  12. Sour Napa Cabbage with Bamboo Shoots and Pork (酸筍炒肉絲)
  13. Homemade Tahini and Chinese-style Sesame Paste (V. 芝蔴醬)
#Non_Western_Cake_Dessert_Bread (中式糕點, 甜食)
  1. Japanese Cheesecake (日式起司蛋糕)
  2. Mango Mousse Cake (芒果慕斯蛋糕)
  3. Egg Yolk Shortcake (蛋黃酥)
  4. Baked Sweet Rice Cake with Red bean paste (烤紅豆年糕)
  5. The Perfect Bread (湯種麵包)
  6. Mung Bean Cake (綠豆糕)  
  7. Steamed Rising Cake (Fa-Gao, 發糕)
  8. Cantonese White Sugar Cake (白糖糕)
  9. Hong-Kong-style Turnip Cake (港式蘿蔔糕)
  10. Sesame Seeds Candy and Chinese Nougat (芝蔴糖, 牛軋糖)
  11. Date Paste and Walnut Candy (棗泥核桃糕, aka 南棗核桃糕)
  12. Moon Cake with Date Paste Filling (廣式棗泥月餅)
  13. Mung Bean Soup with Chinese Pearl Barley (I.綠豆薏仁湯) 
  14. Sweet Almond Cream  (杏仁露)
#Western_Dessert_Bread_Quiche_Dip_Salad (西式糕點, 麵包, 蛋派)
  1. Italian Sponge Cake and Swiss Roll (歐式海綿蛋糕、蛋糕卷)
  2. Cranberry Biscuit
  3. Kahlua Cake
  4. Apple Pie
  5. Tiramisu
  6. Focaccia- Italian Flat Bread (義式薄麵包)
  7. Breakfast! Cornbread, Quiche Lorraine, and Scone (玉米麵包, 法式蛋派, 蘇格蘭鬆餅)
  8. Breakfast? Steakhouse Black Bread, Crustless Quiche, Pineapple Cake (黑麵包, 蛋派, 鳳梨糕)
(Updated- 12/10/2018.  Created- 11/30/2014.)

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