Saturday, November 20, 2010

Been Sprouts and Chive Stir-Fried with Bean Curd (綠豆芽韭菜炒豆腐乾)

This is another simple 10 minute vegetable dish I made often, no fat, no sugar, and not much calories, should be appealing to my health conscientious friends :)

Bean Spouts  1lb
Bean Curd 2 pcs (褔臨門五香豆乾)
Chives (韭菜), or scallions (1/4 bunch)
Salt, light soy sauce, and oyster sauce

1. Wash bean spouts.  If you have time and you are a fancy cook, take off the root part of the spouts, this is very time consuming, I usually have no time to do that.
2. slice the bean curd horizontally into four slices, then cut them into small strips.
3. Wash chives(韭菜) thoroughly.  Make sure there is no dirt in between the leaves. Cut the 1/4  inch tip of the white part off (if they look fresh, just keep them), then cut them into 1.5 inch length pieces. If you don't like leeks, or you don't have them handy, use scallions, 3 pieces (3 根), slice them into 蔥絲。 First you cut the white part of the scallion into two half, then you cut diagonally to make them thin strips.
4. Heat 2 Tbsp of vegetable oil in the wok, add 1/4 tsp of salt in the oil, then add bean spouts and bean curds in.  Stir fry it for 2-3 minutes until the bean spouts turn transparent.  They should be crunchy, not soft.  Add some oyster sauce (蠔油)(1Tbsp) and some light soy sauce (1 Tbsp).
5. Add leeks (or scallions) in, stir fry for another minute.  Turn off heat, season to taste (by adding 1/4 tsp of salt a time), and serve.  Note- You don't want to over cook leek, but if it is too raw, it doesn't taste good.  When it becomes soft and the color becomes darker, it is about done.

1 comment:

  1. You should tell 褔臨門 about this recipe and blog. They may provide you with some samples in the future :-)
