We are three empty nest moms, we love to cook and we would like to share our favorite recipes with all the kids who are away from home and miss their mom's cooking.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
1. 三磅五花肉洗淨擦乾
2. 切成約一寸半厚度的肉六長條
3. 鑽洞穿繩後待用
4. 這時將四分之一杯粗鹽加八分之一杯花椒在乾鍋裡大火炒香後磨碎,(我還加兩茶匙的sweet paprika 目的是取它的紅色), 拌勻後抹在肉條上
5. 放入密封容器中後在冰箱中醃一或兩夜
6. 太陽好的時後拿出來曬太陽
7. 早出晚歸(冰箱)三五天後即可存入冰箱或冰櫃. (瘦肉曬過頭了就會太木了,不好吃.)
前日我們蒸了一些嚐味道, 還不錯.
最主要是享受那早晚搬肉出入的趣味, 絕對比陶侃搬磚好玩. 不信? 你也試試??
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Mix 5/8 Cup water with ¼ Cup bread flour, cook over low heat till 65C (150F), remove from heat and let sit in refrigerator overnight.
Add 2 small eggs, 4TBS butter, 1/4C milk to湯種, and mix well.
Then, add 4 ½ Cup bread flour (or 1 ½ Cup whole wheat flour plus 3 Cup bread flour), 1/3 Cup sugar, dash of salt, 4TBS milk, 1 TBS yeast, mix and knead into a smooth dough. Cover with Saran wrap and keep it at ~85F.
Raise the dough till double in size.
Add 1Cup raisin (or your favorite dry fruit) and ½ Cup of walnut (or any nuts).
Put the dough into bread pan or cake pan and let it rise again.
Before baking, brush on some egg white to make a hard and golden top crust. Also, you may sprinkle on some oatmeal too.
Bake at 300F for 30 minutes.